Express Care: Face Patch Guide

Express Care: Face Patch Guide puja malhotra June 5, 2019

With the advent of patches, skin care has ceased to be a ritual that requires a whole day off. Nowadays, you can clean, moisturize, rejuvenate, remove dark circles under your eyes literally on the go. Let’s have a closer look at the varieties of cosmetic patches and find out whether they can replace the rest of beauty procedures.

What Are the Face Patches?

A patch can be called all kinds of cosmetics that are applied to the skin. It is about different types of patches and fabric masks. Most often they are made from hydrogel or constitute wipes impregnated with a special mixture.

Patches can be divided according to the place for which they are intended: the area around the eyes, nose or t-zone, and all the face except areas under the eyes. They also differ in their functions. Here are the main types.

  • Cleansing

Such patches are stuck to the skin and then removed, cleansing the pores of greasy plugs and toxins. They are mainly used for the t-zone, where acne is most often concentrated.

The strips are impregnated with antibacterial composition, it can be activated carbon, herbal extracts or other components. To apply patches against blackheads, it is enough to clean and slightly moisten your face with water. Do not rip off the strip sharply. If you cannot remove it easily after drying, wet it with water or tonic. Cleansing patches can instantly make the skin visually cleaner and reduce the risk of acne.

  • Healing

Healing patches are the first aid for inflammations, although not very fast. They are best left on the skin at least for the night so that the agent has time to act.

The healing patches most often include salicylic acid, tea tree or grapeseed oil. They are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. The healing patch will dry the skin and reduce redness after the first application.

  • Rejuvenating and moisturizing

There are many types of such patches: masks, pads for neck and nasolabial folds, eye patches. They are impregnated with a mixture of moisturizing, toning and lifting mixtures.

The choice of components in the patches is huge, it can be about plant extracts, synthetic substances, essential oils, hydrogels, extracts starting with snails to algae. Thanks to the large concentration of nutrients, this mask effectively affects the skin, and the face looks noticeably fresher and younger. Do not be afraid to use such patches if you have oily skin. The better you moisturize it, the less sebum it will produce. After you take off the mask or strip, spread evenly the remains out the mixture.

  • Against the dark circles under the eyes

Eye patches are a separate category because the skin is especially delicate in this area. In addition to rejuvenating and moisturizing ones, it is hydrogel patches that are extremely popular since they eliminate swelling and make dark circles under the eyes less noticeable. Such patches tone up the fragile vessels.

All types of patches are recommended to use no more than 2-3 times a week. Their main drawback is that they act superficially, affecting only the upper layers of the skin.


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